BKS PTO Sponsors: MARC Webinar

BKS PTO Sponsors: MARC Webinar on Navigating Healthy Peer Relationships
Posted on 02/27/2024
MARC - Parent Webinar.jpgPlease join us for a MARC Webinar on Navigating Healthy Peer Relationships with Dr. Elizabeth Englander, Executive Director and Founder of Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center & Professor of Psychology

Let's talk about bullying, cyber-bullying, peer conflicts, frenemies and more.
Before the pandemic, screen use, anxiety, and social problems (like bullying and fighting) were top concerns for parents. The last few years have made some of these issues even more challenging. This talk will examine how kids are doing emotionally and socially, in light of the ways kids use screens, gaming, and social media, and how these impact challenges in school, like bullying and friendship skills. Research will be summarized, and practical approaches to family life that can help children develop emotional resilience, healthy social skills and friendships, and sensible screen and social media habits will be discussed during this presentation. We will discuss how to move forward to a healthier "new normal" and how to help parents be most productive in guiding their children towards healthier social and emotional relationships.

March 12, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Zoom link: https://bridgew.zoom.us/j/97840259737?pwd=VXhTRFR3azRrbXAzNk8vWlZqT1Z1Zz09

This event is sponsored by the Beechwood Knoll & Merrymount PTO