Cold & Flu Season Reminders

Cold & Flu Season Reminders
Posted on 01/29/2024
Road signs read Cold & Flu and Season

A few reminders as we enter the height of cold and flu season.

Please keep your child home if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • Temperature of 100.5 or higher within the last 24 hours

  • Vomiting or diarrhea (must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school)

  • Coughing that is uncontrolled

Two of the greatest defenses against illness are hand washing and isolation when sick.

Some other reminders for the rest of the year:

  • Please call your child out if they will be absent. Excused absences only occur with a doctor’s note. We are not recommending you take your child to the doctor with every illness, but it can be helpful with prolonged illness.

  • Mark/label clothes with your child’s name/initials. We have a large lost and found and if initials are on clothing we can track their owner much more easily.

  • In Elementary, folders are used for communication by all the staff to families. Please make sure you check them weekly if not daily. A 2nd notice will be going home if you received a vision letter and you have not returned it.

If you are unsure about whether or not your child's symptoms are serious enough to keep him/her home, please feel free to call the health office. We can review the symptoms over the phone. It is preferred to arrive late than to arrive on time with contagious symptoms. My phone number is 617-984-8632 or email [email protected].

I greatly appreciate your help in keeping our school community healthy and safe.

Mrs. Cerone, MSN, RN
[email protected]